Things You Need To Know Before You Start Looking For a Wedding Officiant

A wedding officiant is someone who the government permits to marry people. They are often the ministers who have been ordained, but they can also be justices of the peace or judges. When it comes to planning your wedding, selecting a wedding officiant can be a tough task because you will want someone who has […]
Is it Time to Renew Your Wedding Vows?

Wedding vow renewals are a great way for married couples to celebrate their everlasting love and reaffirm all the promises they made to each other on their wedding day. The ceremony is a celebration of togetherness and a way to reaffirm a couple’s commitment to each other. These ceremonies are commonly planned for milestone wedding […]
6 Questions to Ask Your Wedding Officiant

An important part of planning your wedding ceremony includes deciding who will officiate. While some people choose their friend or family member as their officiant, most couples prefer to hire professional wedding officiants to conduct their nuptials. A professional wedding officiant brings a level of experience that enables them to deliver the service with great […]
Why Hire a Professional Wedding Officiant?

If you are planning a wedding, whether or not to hire a professional wedding officiant is one of the important decisions you’ll need to make. Some couples are drawn to the idea of having a friend or family member act as their wedding officiant, while others like to hire a professional ceremony officiant. If you […]